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Manage your company more effectively and have more time

for yourself


Our advisors will help you to improve the management and performance of your organization

“Adizes is the best kept secret in the world, discover it! The sooner you will do, the better off you'll be ”

Ken Blanchard
Best Selling Author, "The One Minute Manager"

After all these years of hard work, your company is experiencing sustained success and growth. Yet, despite reaching this milestone, you realize that your business is still highly relying on you and ultimately limited to transition to its next stage of growth. The whole thing may leave you feeling as you will never be able to step back and enjoy a little more what you have achieved.


But there is no reason why you should keep suffering...



For over 45 years, the Adizes Methodology™ has helped transform thousand of organizations, over more than 75 countries:

Our advisors will accompany you through a proven step by step process to help you transform your company into a well managed, fully aligned, high performing organization...

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1. Understand your starting point and create energy for change

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2. Create & align 

a new vision

& action plan

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3. Realign Roles & Responsibilities

to execute the plan

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4. Redefine your 

accountability & reward system to boost performance

What is your

Management Style?

Changing the way you manage your organization starts by understanding your management style. In identical circumstances, each one of us will see a situation differently. We think and respond differently. By understanding your own and your colleagues management styles, you will be better equipped to work more effectively in a team environment. Take the management style Indicator test and learn. 


                                                                                CLICK HERE

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Where is your organization in its lifecycle?

As human, as an organization grows, it will undergo very predictable and repetitive patterns of behaviors. At each new stage of development, you are faced with a new set of unique challenges. Your ability to identify and address these challenges quickly and effectively is a strong predictor of your future success.

Take the lifecycle test and learn


                                                                                CLICK HERE

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Richard Azera

Principal Partner & Professional Director

T: (949) 677-9102



Yann Audebert

Partner & Managing Director

T: (714) 330-7825


Contact Us or Register

for a Free Advisory Session with one of our partners



  • Upon registering, one of our partners will contact you

to set up a one hour videocall or in person session

  • The advisory session is free of charge and  reserved for

Founders, CEOs, Presidents, Chairmans, Managing Directors

and heads of HR (Consulting firms are excluded) 

  • There is no obligation to contract services from us



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Adizes Los Angeles office - USA

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